
A free online character count tool.

Easy to use & easy to find


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About this online character count tool

A while back I needed to count the characters of a piece of text that I needed to use as an email template within Sales Force. Unfortunately, I could not think of a way to do so on my macbook quickly; I turned to the Internet.

There were a couple of tools out there, but since I am a web designer I thought: why not do it myself? And... here it is.

What is this?

Character Count Online is a free online character and word counting tool. It's instant, easy and free.

How is it used

You can copy and paste your text with the characters to count in the text area above, or you can type your characters and words into the text area. The character counter field will be updated instantly, displaying the characters and words in your text.

Which devices does the counter work on?

Character Count Online works on absolutely any device.
No matter if you have a mobile phone, computer, console, tablet or even if you Javascript disabled the counter will work perfectly!